A Good Confession Prayer, Christian LifeFr. Hayden ButlerApril 9, 2022confession, penance, repentence, penetential, lent, holy week, good friday, absolution, forgiveness
Lent & Desire Christian Life, Spiritual FormationAlea PeisterApril 2, 2022lent, desire, temptation, disordered, ordered, redeemed
Being Present Spiritual Disciplines, PrayerRachael CrewsMarch 26, 2022present, presence, lent, prayer, meditation, fasting, practicing presence, being still, stillness
The Story of Shame Christian Life, Spiritual FormationFr. Hayden ButlerMarch 19, 2022shame, guilt, story, sin, forgiveness, acceptance, healthy spirituality
Blessed are the Peacemakers (Part III) Christian Life, Spiritual FormationFr. Hayden ButlerMarch 12, 2022lent, peacemaker, blessed
Blessed are the Peacemakers (Part II) Christian Life, Spiritual FormationFr. Hayden ButlerMarch 5, 2022peaemaker, peace, lent
Blessed are the Peacemakers (Part I) Spiritual Formation, Christian LifeFr. Hayden ButlerFebruary 26, 2022eden, peace, peacemaker, chaos, creation
Listen Prayer, Spiritual DisciplinesFr. John CrewsFebruary 19, 2022contemplative prayer, prayer, silence, quiet, inner voice, God's voice, contemplation
…But It Isn’t Lent Yet, Right? Church Calendar, Spiritual DisciplinesRachael CrewsFebruary 12, 2022septuagesima, pre lent, lent, penance, fasting, seasons
Inside Out and a Common Loss Christian Life, Spiritual FormationFr. Hayden ButlerJanuary 29, 2022inside out, pixar, grief, sadness, joy, mental health, emotional health, healthy spirituality, loss
Let Us Use Them Christian Life, Church CalendarRachael CrewsJanuary 15, 2022epiphany, spiritual gifts, gifts, the body, service
Led by a Star Church Calendar, Spiritual Formation, PrayerAlea PeisterJanuary 8, 2022epiphany, three wise men, gentiles, mystery, mystic, feast of the epiphany
Sign of the Covenant Church Calendar, Spiritual FormationFr. John CrewsJanuary 1, 2022new years day, new years, feast of the circumcision, circumcision
Christ, Keep Us In Christmas! Christian Life, Church CalendarFr. Hayden ButlerDecember 25, 2021christmas, christmastide, christ in christmas, kingdom time, time, culture wars
The Feast of St. Thomas Spiritual Formation, Christian LifeFr. Kevin CraikDecember 21, 2021st. thomas, fullerton, doubts, doubting thomas
Advent Loneliness Spiritual Formation, Prayer, Christian LifeAlea PeisterDecember 18, 2021advent, loneliness, reflection, wounded healer, healing
He Must Increase Spiritual Formation, Christian Life, Church CalendarFr. Hayden ButlerDecember 11, 2021advent, john the baptist, decrease, Life in Christ, life of prayer, fasting, penetential
Thy Will be Done Christian Life, Spiritual FormationRachael CrewsDecember 4, 2021advent, joseph, st. joseph, christmas, holy family
Behold, the Handmaiden of the Lord Prayer, Spiritual Formation, Christian LifeRachael CrewsNovember 27, 2021advent, mary, handmaiden of the lord, mary mother of god
God Save the Bake Sale! Christian Life, Sacraments, PrayerFr. Hayden ButlerNovember 20, 2021bake sale, sacrament, aesthetic theology, schmemann