WHO WILL WAKE ME UP? Christian Life, Spiritual FormationFr. Hayden ButlerOctober 31, 2021Life in Christ, life of prayer, death, halloween, rest, surrender
SMALL ACTS OF FAITHFULNESS Christian Life, Church Calendar, Spiritual DisciplinesRachael CrewsSeptember 18, 2021faithfulness, trinity, rhythm of prayer, life of prayer, parish life
A PERSONAL AND TRADITIONAL FAITH Spiritual Formation, Christian LifeFr. Hayden ButlerAugust 28, 2021teachers, healthy spirituality, st. augustine
PEACE AT THE LAST Christian Life, Spiritual FormationRachael CrewsAugust 21, 2021LOTR, life of prayer, music, healthy spirituality, paradox
GRIEF AND THE CHRISTIAN LIFE Spiritual Formation, Prayer, Christian LifeFr. Hayden ButlerAugust 14, 2021grief, healthy spirituality, emotional health, mental health, lament
THE PRODIGAL SON'S RETURN(S) Spiritual Formation, PrayerFr. Hayden ButlerAugust 7, 2021confession, grace, repentence, prodigal son
EVE'S SORROW FOR HER SONS Spiritual Formation, Prayer, Christian LifeChau SchwendimannJuly 31, 2021ministry, sacrifice, generational sin, legacy
"FINISH, THEN, THY NEW CREATION!" Christian Life, Sacraments, LiturgyFr. Hayden ButlerJune 19, 2021wedding, bride of christ, redemption, love, Life in Christ
LEAVE US NOT COMFORTLESS Christian Life, PrayerAlea PeisterJune 12, 2021life of prayer, Life in Christ, pentacost, trinity
FALLING DOWN Prayer, Spiritual FormationFr. Hayden ButlerMay 22, 2021Life in Christ, Prayer, life of prayer
THE DISCIPLINE OF DELIGHT Christian Life, Spiritual Formation, Church CalendarAlea PeisterMay 1, 2021Easter, Eastertide, keep the feast
THE PRAYERFUL GRACE OF OUR NEED Church Calendar, Prayer, Spiritual DisciplinesAlea PeisterFebruary 27, 2021Prayer, Lent, Life in Christ
THE MEANING OF LENT Church Calendar, Prayer, Spiritual DisciplinesBp. Stephen ScarlettFebruary 20, 2021Lent, Fasting, Prayer
BORN OF GOD: LESSONS FROM ST. JOHN (PART 5) Christian Life, Spiritual FormationFr. Hayden ButlerJanuary 16, 2021
GREATER THAN OUR HEARTS: LESSONS FROM ST. JOHN (PART 4) Christian Life, Spiritual FormationFr. Hayden ButlerJanuary 9, 2021
WHAT WE SHALL BE: LESSONS FROM ST. JOHN (PART 3) Christian Life, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual FormationFr. Hayden ButlerJanuary 2, 2021