Pastoral Team


Bp. Stephen Scarlett
Bishop Ordinary and Rector

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Bp. Stephen Scarlett was born in Walnut Creek, California, and raised in the East Bay area of northern California. Bp. Scarlett and his wife Nancy have three sons, Alexander, Eric and Michael. They are residents of Irvine, having lived in Woodbridge since 1987.

Bp. Scarlett attended the University of Oregon, where he received a bachelor’s degree in Finance and Real Estate. He pursued theological studies at St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College in Berkeley, and Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, where he received an M.A. in Theology.

Bp. Scarlett began his ministry as a lay reader by founding St. Mark’s Church in Kentfield, California, in 1983. He was ordained as a Deacon in February of 1986 and moved to Birmingham, Alabama. He spent his brief time there traveling around the south, visiting and serving Anglican churches in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina and Florida.

Bp. Scarlett was called to St. Matthew’s in October of 1986. He was ordained as a priest at St. Matthew’s in December of 1986, and has served as rector since that time. In October of 2013, he was consecrated as the Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the Holy Trinity.


Fr. Hayden Butler
Associate Rector

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Fr. Hayden was born in Amarillo, but migrated early in life via Albuquerque to settle in Southern California. He currently lives with his wife and two children in Irvine.

Fr. Hayden completed his undergraduate education at Biola University and the Torrey Honors College. He then earned graduate degrees in Literature and in Theology.

Fr. Hayden was formed under the mentorship of Bp. Stephen Scarlett and the late Fr. David Brounstein. He was made a Deacon in 2014, and then ordained as a Priest in 2016. He serves as the Associate Rector of St. Matthew’s Church, specializing in parish education, spiritual direction, and staff development.

Fr. Hayden also serves the Diocese of the Holy Trinity as the Chairman of the Commission on Ministry, and as a member of the Standing Committee. He is a member of the Diocesan Order of the Holy Trinity, and works alongside the Bishop as an instructor in the Pastoral Ministry Training program.


Fr. John Crews
Assisting Priest

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Fr. John grew up in Cerritos, California, and currently resides in Huntington Beach with his wife, Rachael, and their two children.

John earned a Bachelor of Arts in Individualized Studies in English & Film & Television; graduated from the Professional Program in Screenwriting at the UCLA School of Theater, Film, & Television; earned a Master of Arts in Philosophy from the University of Buckingham; and an MA in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary.

John was ordained as a Deacon at St. Matthew’s in July 2020, and then a Priest in January 2023. He leads the monthly Men’s Gathering, the Acolytes Ministry, and visits the homebound as part of the Visitation Ministry.


Andrew Masters

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Dcn. Andrew spent his formative childhood years in Southern Orange County. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Pepperdine University, a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alabama, and a Master of Theological Studies from Vanguard University of Southern California.

Dcn. Andrew lives in Orange County with his wife, Britt, and their four children.


Lisa Marion
Spiritual Director, O/OSB

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Lisa has been a member of St. Matthew’s Church since 1986. Her parents, still in attendance at St. Matthew’s, were part of the original membership. During the last thirty years, she has served the Parish in many capacities, including leading Children’s, Women’s, Youth, and Missions Ministries.

Currently, Lisa serves as a licensed lay minister, providing spiritual direction to the St. Matthew’s community. Having journeyed through many crises herself, Lisa is well equipped to accompany others through difficult, transitional, or confusing times. You can learn more about her spiritual direction at her blog.

Lisa is an Oblate of St. Andrew’s Abbey in Valyermo, California. She is a featured retreat leader and contributor to the various ministries of the Abbey, often introducing people to the richness of this special “thin” place.

After raising a family with five children, Lisa returned to complete her education, receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Religion with an emphasis in Ministry Development and Leadership from Vanguard University in Costa Mesa. She began a Master’s degree in Spiritual Direction at Talbot’s School of Theology, but that educational tract ended when her husband of 34 years passed away.

Semi-retired, she fills her days with pastoral meetings, tending to her fledgling garden, and enjoying one of her eight grandchildren. To them, she is known as Amma Lisa; that’s Gramma without the Grrrr.

If you’re curious about spiritual direction, reach out to Lisa and start the journey.


St. Matthew’s Staff


Goli Wilson
Parish Administrator

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With a heart for service and mind for organization, Goli is honored to help St. Matthew’s run smoothly behind the scenes as the Parish Administrator.

Goli grew up in Walnut Creek, California. She followed in her parents’ footsteps by attending Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, and received a bachelor’s degree in business administration. While she enjoyed her spare time in various clubs and sports, the best part of her experience was meeting her now husband, Sam, and being introduced to our Loving God through him.

Goli and Sam eventually explored traditional forms of Christianity and discovered the beautiful Anglican liturgy—a piece of heaven on earth. The two have been at St. Matthew’s since November 2024 after relocating to Long Beach, California, to be close to family.

Goli additionally participates as a soprano in the St. Matthew’s choir. While on her own, she enjoys drawing landscapes, strolling through delightful little downtown streets, singing classical music, learning about women’s fashion, and selling homemade sourdough bread.


Jillian Marion
Business Administrator

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A native of Orange County, Jillian continues to live locally with her husband and three children.

Jillian graduated from California State University, Long Beach, with a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies. Her initial encounter with St. Matthew’s took place when she attended a Work Camp with its youth group in 2008. The beauty of the Anglican liturgy won her over, and she was confirmed in May of 2010.

After graduating, Jillian became the Parish Administrator of St. Matthew’s in June 2011. With over 10 years of church administration under her belt, Jillian is now the Business Administrator of St. Matthew's, the Administrator of its Fullerton Mission, St. Thomas, and Secretary of the Diocese of the Holy Trinity.


Matt Lacoff-Roberts
Communications Director

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Matt is a writer, marketer, and communication strategist who helps organizations clarify their messaging and streamline their project flows.

Matt has traveled to over 30 countries, having worked for two years teaching English as a Second Language in South Korea. After becoming a Christian in 2012, he worked for three years on the Communications Team at Saddleback Church, one of the largest evangelical churches in the world.

Matt has worked with various marketing agencies throughout his career, having developed content for clients like LG, Google, Microsoft, VIZIO, and Dolby.

Matt holds a BA in Communication Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles, and enjoys LA professional sports teams, hiking, science fiction, and milk tea with boba.


Rachael Crews
Children’s Ministry Director

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Rachael was born and raised in Riverside, California, as an only child with her mother and father. She currently lives in Huntington Beach with her husband, Fr. John Crews, and two children.

Rachael studied as an undergraduate at Biola University and the Torrey Honors Institute, where she received both her Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education, and her Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. She then continued her education in graduate school, earning a Masters in Teaching and Curriculum Instruction through Biola University, and a Masters in Theological Studies from Regent University.

Rachael joined St. Matthew’s in 2014 and currently serves as Director of Children’s Ministry.


David Simmons

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J. David Simmons, Organist-Choirmaster of St. Matthew’s since 2003, is a graduate of the University of Southern California (M.M.) and the University of Kansas (B.M.). On full scholarship at USC, he was honored with the Grancell and Liberace Foundation awards. He was also awarded the Stewart Grant for graduate music study by the Musical Research Society. At the University of Kansas the faculty granted him the Preyer Award for the outstanding graduating music major.

David became a church organist at the age of twelve and has continuously served churches of various denominations as organist or organist-choirmaster since then. He has collaborated with Sir David Willcocks as organist at Choral Evensong, and with conductor Robert Shaw as piano accompanist.

Also a composer, David has written over 200 liturgical choral pieces especially for the St. Matthew’s Parish Choir. He has performed organ recitals, including several pipe organ dedication concerts, in California and the Midwest, and has performed piano recitals and concerts with orchestra all over the world, including the Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 3 with the Bratislava Chamber Orchestra in Austria.


Marie Pickard
Montessori School Director

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Marie grew up Catholic in Orange County, California, and brings extensive experience, as an administrator and teacher, in private school settings, pastoral leadership, and non-profit school management to her role as the Director of St. Matthew's Montessori School.

Marie received a B.A. in Economics from California State University, Long Beach, and is pursuing additional graduate studies at St. Catherine's University. She holds a Catholic Diocesan Catechist Certification, Early Childhood Authorizations from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, an Associates in Early Childhood Education, and a Montessori Credential from the University of California, Irvine.

In addition to her administrator responsibilities, Marie founded St. Matthew's Children's School Library, and St. Matthew's Montessori School's Children's Music Conservatory Program. Marie enjoys spending time with her family, volunteers countless hours of service to St. Matthew's Church, and serves Christ’s children through Philanthropic Charities in Orange County.

Marie is a recipient of the National Charity League Philanthropic Award.


Susana Ertac
Parish Nurse

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Susana earned both her BS and MS in Nursing at Georgetown University. For the past three years, she has participated in the monthly Parish Nurse program with Hoag Department of Community Medicine. Her previous work as a bedside nurse in intensive care, cardiac surgery, and as a nurse practitioner at community clinics and in private practice, have been good experiences towards her work as a parish nurse. She has been a Registered Nurse for twenty years and a Nurse Practitioner for twelve years.

Susana is a trained Community Emergency Response Team volunteer within Newport Beach, and a County Mutual Aid Provider to volunteers with the City of Newport Beach Community Disaster Response, during natural or other county-wide disasters. She has been a community volunteer in many other organizations, including Junior League, Girl Scouts, Saddleback Mothers of Multiples and the MOMS club.

Newport Beach has long been home to Susana, along with her husband and their fraternal twin girls. Her parents, Joan and Bill Torres, are also members of St. Matthew’s.


The Vestry & Officers

Paul Kanan, Senior Warden
Rob Williams, Junior Warden
Jeff Welles, Treasurer
Jillian Marion, Corporate Secretary

Vestry Members:
Chris Parrish
Keri Swanson
Al Moore
Adeline Allen
Scott Digiambattista


St. Thomas Fullerton


Fr. Kevin Craik
St. Thomas Pastor

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Fr. Kevin is a SoCal native, currently residing in Fullerton with his wife Melissa and their three beautiful children, Jameson, Bailey, and Jessie. He holds a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies from Biola University and has a passion for the study and discussion of theology. 

Fr. Kevin became a priest in 2016 and worked to plant an Anglican church in the Pacific Northwest prior to joining the staff at St. Matthew's in 2018 as an Assisting Priest. He spends his time cultivating the growth of St. Thomas, St. Matthew’s church plant in Fullerton, as well as providing support for the pastoral team at St. Matthew’s in Newport.


Robert Jennings

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Dcn. Bob was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. At seven years old his father was transferred to California. He lived in San Bernardino for a year and then moved to West Covina, where he lived through his first two years of college.

While attending Azusa Pacific University, he met his wife, Nina. They have lived in the Glendora area for 42 years. Dcn. Bob graduated from APU with Bachelor’s degrees in Religion and Psychology. Afterward, he attended Point Loma University’s Pasadena extension and completed work for a California Teaching Credential. He then studied at CSU Fullerton where he pursued additional graduate study in Special Education.

Dcn. Bob then went to work in the insurance industry before returning again to school, completing a Master’s in Psychology from Phillips Graduate Institute, as well as the required hours and testing to become a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). Lastly, he completed a Doctor of Psychology degree at Ryokan College.

Throughout his life, Dcn. Bob has been active in the Church, teaching Sunday School, leading small groups, and occasionally preaching. In 2012, he began the vocational discernment process at St. Matthew’s Church, and in June of 2016, he was ordained as a Deacon. Currently, he is active in ministry at St. Thomas and in the Pastoral Ministry Classes.