Tomorrow is Trinity Sunday, and I can’t help but hear in my head the rock n’ roll classic hit, “Here I Go Again” by Whitesnake. Don’t mock me–it will forever and always be a rock and roll classic that will survive the ages and instantly bring me joy when I hear it. Just in case you’re not a regular listener of the “80’s on 8” Sirius XMU channel, to refresh your memory, the song opens with these lyrics:
Read MorePsalm 145 always stands out to me when it comes up in the lectionary because a portion of it forms an older version of the prayer for grace before a meal: “The eyes of all wait upon Thee, O Lord, and Thou givest them their meat in due season; Thou openest Thy hand and fillest all things living with plenteousness.” I love the image of everyone waiting to receive their meal--that’s a familiar image and it’s awe-inspiring to think of everything and everyone in the world doing that at once. It’s significant in the context of the Psalm, though, because it proceeds from the logic of kingship. The Psalmist repeatedly extols the permanence of God’s kingship and how the provision that all expect follows from their reliance on this permanence.
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