To Be Awakened Christian Life, Church CalendarAlea PeisterAugust 6, 2022transfiguration, transformation
Easter Joy Church Calendar, Christian LifeAlea PeisterApril 23, 2022Easter, Eastertide, joy, grief, emotional health, healthy spirituality
Holy Saturday Church CalendarFr. John CrewsApril 16, 2022holy saturday, holy week, darkness, death, redemption
…But It Isn’t Lent Yet, Right? Church Calendar, Spiritual DisciplinesRachael CrewsFebruary 12, 2022septuagesima, pre lent, lent, penance, fasting, seasons
Let Us Use Them Christian Life, Church CalendarRachael CrewsJanuary 15, 2022epiphany, spiritual gifts, gifts, the body, service
Led by a Star Church Calendar, Spiritual Formation, PrayerAlea PeisterJanuary 8, 2022epiphany, three wise men, gentiles, mystery, mystic, feast of the epiphany
Sign of the Covenant Church Calendar, Spiritual FormationFr. John CrewsJanuary 1, 2022new years day, new years, feast of the circumcision, circumcision
Christ, Keep Us In Christmas! Christian Life, Church CalendarFr. Hayden ButlerDecember 25, 2021christmas, christmastide, christ in christmas, kingdom time, time, culture wars
He Must Increase Spiritual Formation, Christian Life, Church CalendarFr. Hayden ButlerDecember 11, 2021advent, john the baptist, decrease, Life in Christ, life of prayer, fasting, penetential
SMALL ACTS OF FAITHFULNESS Christian Life, Church Calendar, Spiritual DisciplinesRachael CrewsSeptember 18, 2021faithfulness, trinity, rhythm of prayer, life of prayer, parish life
THE DISCIPLINE OF DELIGHT Christian Life, Spiritual Formation, Church CalendarAlea PeisterMay 1, 2021Easter, Eastertide, keep the feast
THE PRAYERFUL GRACE OF OUR NEED Church Calendar, Prayer, Spiritual DisciplinesAlea PeisterFebruary 27, 2021Prayer, Lent, Life in Christ
THE MEANING OF LENT Church Calendar, Prayer, Spiritual DisciplinesBp. Stephen ScarlettFebruary 20, 2021Lent, Fasting, Prayer
THE MEANING OF TIME (PART IV) Christian Life, Church Calendar, Spiritual DisciplinesBp. Stephen ScarlettDecember 19, 2020
THE MEANING OF TIME (PART III) Church Calendar, Christian Life, Spiritual FormationBp. Stephen ScarlettDecember 12, 2020
THE MEANING OF TIME (PART II) Church Calendar, Christian Life, Spiritual FormationBp. Stephen ScarlettDecember 5, 2020
THE MEANING OF TIME (PART I) Church Calendar, Prayer, Christian LifeBp. Stephen ScarlettNovember 28, 2020
THE LORD OF ALL TIME: PREPARATION FOR ADVENT Church Calendar, Prayer, Christian LifeFr. Hayden ButlerNovember 21, 2020
THE IMPORTANCE OF NARRATIVE TO THE LIFE OF PRAYER Liturgy, Church CalendarBp. Stephen ScarlettJanuary 21, 2020